Klick – Honoring birthday celebration into the healthcare 00080-Container 4-File 17-fourteen Mrs

Klick – Honoring birthday celebration into the healthcare 00080-Container 4-File 17-fourteen Mrs

Arllys Carlson, Mrs. S.S. McDonald, Mrs. An effective.J. Palmer, Mrs. Adeline Christe, Mrs. P.J. Kenneth Wiley, Dickinson, President; Mrs. Roentgen.A beneficial. Ritterbush, Bismarck, Secretary from Promotion; Mrs. Leonard Buchlie, Jamestown, Assistant away from Literary works and you may E-books; Mrs. A.F. Klein, Oakes, Assistant Spiritual Lives; Mrs. Walter John, Jud, Vice-president; Mrs. Art Henkley, Bowman, Secretary Youngsters’ Work; Mrs. Russell Anderson, Washburn, Secretary Missions and you can Studies; Mrs. Meters.Grams. Ecklund, Bismarck, Secretary regarding Likewise have; Mrs. Howard Stemen, Edgeley, Tape Secretary 00080-Box cuatro-Document 17-15 W. B. Birkett, Bismarck, Sales agent. C. Sapa, Fargo, Vp; (standing) John Bylund, Fargo, Director; Ray Fladland, Grand Forks; Treasurer; Charles Elizabeth. Check, Jamestown, Secretary; Bob Peterson, Bismarck, Movie director 00080-Package 4-File 17-17 A couple of women of the keyboard 00080-Field 4-File 17-18 Two dudes which have prize 00080-Package cuatro-File 17-19 A few guys 00080-Field 4-File 17-20 C.

Henry Larson, Bismarck; Treasurer; Mrs

P. Austinson, Mayor off Northwood, League regarding Northern Dakota Municipalities 00080-Container cuatro-File 17-21 Man 00080-Field 4-File 17-22 Everett Lobb, Bismarck, Condition Wellness Department; George J. Schuch, Mandan, Chairman, League; Robert Shaw, Mandan, Superintendent, Mandan Drinking water Plant 00080-Package 4-File 17-23 Harold Ireland, Gran, Gordon Clausen, Alderman, Garrison 00080-Container cuatro-Document 17-24 Half a dozen men 00080-Package 4-File 17-25 Paddlewheel in the water 00080-Container cuatro-Document 17-26 Ducks on the pond 00080-Package 4-File 17-twenty seven Ducks on the pond 00080-Box 4-Document 17-twenty-eight Ducks into pool 00080-Field cuatro-File 17-29 Birth vehicle 00080-Box cuatro-Document 17-30 Audience during the conference 00080-Field cuatro-File 17-29 Men putting brick 00080-Package cuatro-File 17-thirty-two Whittey, Erling, Nelson, Froeschle, Bourgois, Mr. Thompson, Robert Ritterbush, Mrs. Tjaden, Mr. Tjaden (which have shovel), Lipps 00080-Package cuatro-File 17-33 Evan Lipps and Mr. Tjaden 00080-Box 4-Document 17-34 Category from the desk 00080-Box cuatro-Document 17-thirty-five Class on dining table 00080-Package cuatro-Document 17-36 Mrs.

Donald W

Robinson, President; Philip Bingenheimer; Mrs. Gerald Smith, Choir Manager; Mrs. Loren Wheeldon; Julie Smith 00080-Box 4-File 17-37 Girl 00080-Container 4-Document 17-38 Band Significant 00080-Field cuatro-Document 17-39 Cars within the parking area 00080-Field 4-File 17-forty Students to the monkey pubs 00080-Container cuatro-File 17-41 Kids on monkey taverns 00080-Field cuatro-Document 17-42 Kids with the monkey pubs 00080-Box 4-Document 17-43 Students toward monkey taverns 00080-Container cuatro-Document 17-44 Larson, Huso, Rasmussen, and you may unlabeled 00080-Box 4-Document 17-forty-five Dudes having equipments 00080-Container cuatro-Document 17-46 Dudes installing stone 00080-Field 4-File 17-47 Strengthening less than structure 00080-Container 4-File 17-forty-eight S. A beneficial.Yards. Elizabeth. – Cal F. E. Murphy, Civil Cover; K. J. Ekblad, Secretary off S. Good.Yards. Elizabeth.; Mrs. Ekblad; Lt. Col. T.An excellent. Barry, Mrs. Barry 00080-Box cuatro-File 17-forty-two Drinking water protection is vital from the Naval Degree Center inside North park, Ca.

Wallace D. Adolf and you can Robert L. Haider regarding North Dakota whom undergone enroll education come july 1st at the the training cardiovascular system accomplished their final swimming movement recently 00080-Container 4-File 17-50 Good Bismarck youth, whom it day ended 9 weeks out-of Navy generate knowledge right here, requires a review of what the dated Navy familiar with search like. Bruce T. Fischer spent a bit towards the his history day of trained in cute american girls near me new Naval Education Center Art gallery. Here he discusses a-two-ton model of the latest H. Meters.S. Profit, Lord Nelson’s famous leading. The guy and checked lots of type almost every other well-known Navy ships.

Bismarck Tribune Range – December 1961 00080-Package cuatro-File 18-01 Guys on desk – Dr. Charles Age. Scott 00080-Container 4-Document 18-02 Mrs. Jack Gaines 00080-Container cuatro-Document 18-03 Sharon McGregor 00080-Box 4-File 18-04 Howard Benidt (sp? Johnson 00080-Container 4-File 18-06 Guy 00080-Field cuatro-File 18-07 John O’Connor 00080-Box cuatro-File 18-08 People 00080-Field 4-File 18-09 G. T. Flynn, Secretary Gen. Frt. And you can Violation. Agent, North Pacific Rail, Tacoma, Washington 00080-Field cuatro-Document 18-ten Set of pupils 00080-Field 4-Document 18-eleven People having digital camera 00080-Box 4-File 18-twelve The newest Officers – set of women 00080-Field 4-File 18-thirteen Bert Tromm, Very Valu Places, Inc. P. Dahl and Milo Knudsen, Edgeley 00080-Field 4-Document 18-19 Ernest Isaak, Dodge; Edward Orgaard, Center; Herbert Hafner, Beulah 00080-Field cuatro-File 18-20 Elderly pupil nurses Mrs. Irene Rodahl and Miss Helen Schweigert that have one or two guys 00080-Package cuatro-Document 18-21 A couple participants having Miss Bismarck 00080-Container 4-File 18-22 Ervin Henke, Hannover, and Noroin Black colored, McHenry – 4-H Delegates 00080-Container cuatro-File 18-23 Mrs.

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