Pursuing the reading, in case the commissioner finds your individual has broken any such provision, [or] controls,

Pursuing the reading, in case the commissioner finds your individual has broken any such provision, [or] controls,

(2) In the event the a listening was asked for the big date given in the notice, this new administrator shall hold a listening through to the latest things asserted from inside the the fresh notice unless of course such as for instance people does not come in the hearing. . . this new commissioner will get, from the commissioner’s discernment plus to any most other solution signed up by law, buy you to definitely a civil punishment perhaps not surpassing 100 dollars for each and every admission end up being implemented up on such as for instance people. In the event that instance individual doesn’t request a listening inside go out specified about find or doesn’t are available within reading, the latest commissioner may, since the activities wanted, purchase you to definitely a municipal penalty perhaps not surpassing 100000 dollars for every solution become implemented on like people.

(3) For every single step undertaken by the administrator lower than this subsection can be according to the conditions off part 54. . . .

(c) Whenever the administrator finds out as the result of a study that anyone enjoys violated any provision of the standard guidelines inside this new legislation of administrator, or one control . . . accompanied . . . lower than such as for instance provisions, the new administrator can get, and additionally all other remedy registered by law, acquisition such as for instance individual (1) create restitution of every amounts proven to was indeed gotten inside the ticket of every particularly provision, [or] regulation . . .